Top 50 Ways to Save Money on Monthly Expenses. Is your personal finance hurting you with monthly household expenses mounting painfully? You’ve probably gone through all the traditional money saving tips and do’s and don’ts for what’s the best way to save money. Today, I’m listing a bunch …
How to Start Your Life and Stay Out of Debt?
A wise man once shared a simple, but a critical observation about the art of money management that is lost on many: rich people don’t stay rich by spending a lot of money. Now, you can obviously look at the obscenely extravagant lifestyles enjoyed by some rich people (especially the …
6 Super Ways to Avoid Going Broke in Retirement
We all hope to avoid going broke in retirement. No one wants to be penniless when they retire. It might probably be too late to start saving strategies when you see retirement signs in your life. You need to look into smart strategies much earlier on in your life, in …
Book Reviewer Home Jobs: How to Get Paid to Read Books
You can actually get paid to read books online. Sounds like a dream job, right? There are chances to earn extra money with jobs reading books from home. You can also get paid to write book reviews if you have a good writing style and earn from home with book …
7 Tips for Becoming Instagram Famous and Making Bank
Instagram is growing more and more each day, taking its place at the top among social media royalty. Right now, it boasts a whopping 2000 million users – and it’s expanding every day. There’s a lot of money to be made from Instagram too. One user, known as “yoga girl” now …