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How to Start a Blog

How to Start a Blog


Start a Blog With Bluehost


How to Start a Blog It’s been a while since you have been contemplating on starting a blog but haven’t taken the plunge yet.


Your ‘testing the waters’ phase has lasted longer than it should have and you know it’s time to dive into the tempting world of blogging; but you get overwhelmed every time you see successful bloggers ruling the blogging world and question whether you can match up to them.


So, you keep procrastinating and just circle around the ‘what-ifs & wish I do that’ world.


Well, all the bloggers you look up to or want to emulate also started from ground zero, just where you are right now. So, put the brakes on just wishing how to start a blog and rather start it today.


If you are inundated with the ‘hows’, ‘wheres’ and ‘whens’ of starting a blog, you have come to the right place.


Baby Steps to the Blogging World


Before you start the blog, you should have a clear idea of what you want to communicate through it. There is no dearth of topics to write on. Choose just one that you are good at.


Making your blog a melting pot of topics won’t just confuse the readers but it will also give them a reason not to visit your site again. So, think about what you want to blog about, focus on the topics within the realm of your expertise, and choose the one that you are comfortable with.


Assuming you are already clear on the niche/topic you want to write on, we can now start the process of creating your blog, putting aside your fears on how to start a blog.


5 Main Steps of Starting a Blog


1.How to Start a Blog – Choosing the Blog Platform


Choosing the Blog Platform
There are different blog platforms to choose from – WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr etc. Each has different pros and cons, level of ease of operation, themes to choose from, and support system.


WordPress leads the pack with almost 48% of bloggers across the world using it as their blog platform. It is free, extremely easy to set-up and there are thousands of free themes and layouts to choose from.


Blogger comes a close second. Look at all your options and choose the blogging platform that best suits your needs.


2. Choosing Web Hosting for the Blog


Choosing Web Hosting for the Blog
The next question is extremely crucial while pondering upon how to start a blog – do you want to self-host the blog or opt for the free alternative? As the name suggests, you don’t have to pay anything for the latter but there will be a few disadvantages.


Bluehost Hosting


  • You won’t own get your own domain name. Your blog’s web address will be something like theblogname.wordpress.com, theblogname.blogspot.com etc. based on the chosen platform.


  • There will be a limit to the number of videos and images you can upload and you won’t be able to fully monetize the blog.


  • Since you are choosing to host the blog on someone else’s web property, technically they will be the owners of the blog instead of you.


On the other hand, if you go for self-hosting, you will be the owner of your blog. You can get the domain name as eMoneyIndeed.com, eMoneyIndeed.org or any web suffix you like.


There will be no limit of the number and size of the videos and images you can upload, and you can fully monetize the blog. The best part? It doesn’t cost as much you think. Depending upon the host, it’ll cost you just between $5-$20 per month.


Here I would like to recommend BlueHost to host your blog. I have a BlueHost Review post where you can have detailed insight.



3. Finalizing the Domain Name



Finalizing the domain name


Now, let’s focus on how to name the blog. Ideally, the blog name should reflect the niche topic. Choose something that encompasses the your personality as well as your blog’s.


If you come up with a creative name that doesn’t directly tell what your blog is about, then having a good backstory on why you chose that name will help (talk about it in the ‘About’ page).


This helps your readers understand you a little better. It is advised to opt for .com suffixes. Go for .in or .au if you want to specifically target one country’s audience such as India and Australia.


4. Designing the Blog


Designing the blog


Design has the potential to keep the readers hooked onto your blog for hours. It’s great to let your creative juices flow but don’t swarm the blog with too many ideas.


When it comes to design, minimalism never goes wrong. At the same time, ensure that you do not have any conflicting design ideas. No one likes aesthetically unpleasant blog, regardless of how great the content is.


Visual appeal ranks high for many readers, so maximize this opportunity. Choose the right colors and fonts to make the blog readable. Let the design reflect what your blog is about.


Last but not the least, make the blog easy to navigate. If the readers can’t move around your blog with ease they will hit that cross button at the top of the blog and look for something else in a matter of seconds!


5. ‘Accessorizing’ the Blog


Accessorizing the blog
Plug-ins, widgets, logo, images are just some of the ways you can accessorize your blog. These are tools that will give your blog an extra nudge towards popularity and success.


Don’t forget to include the ‘About’ and ‘Contact’ page where you can give additional information about yourself and details of how your readers can get in touch with you. If necessary, you can also add privacy or disclaimer and comment policy pages.



Finished these steps? Voila! You have your very own blog. Wasn’t it simple to create? All you have to do now is consistently churn out great content that will add value for your readers, and keep it engaging and interactive.


Sooner than you know, you will see your blog creating an impact in the blogging world. Doesn’t it almost feel silly that you were getting scared or overwhelmed about even getting started! Put on the blogger’s hat and get going.


Happy blogging!


Bluehost Hosting Services


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Starting a Blog

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