These days, many startups are turning to crowdfunding strategy for funding their business. Here are the top tips to successfully crowdfund a project. By implementing the top strategies for effective crowdfunding and fundraising, you can find support for kickstarting your business in no time at all. What is crowdfunding for …
Gaurav Jain
12 Things You Should Do Before Starting a Small Business
You might be starting a small business, but rest assured that it is no small decision… Starting a small business of your own is accompanied by countless challenges and equally as many sacrifices. The idea itself is a huge undertaking. Whether you are focusing on e-commerce or opening your own …
7 Invaluable Email Marketing Tools That Are Totally Free
To say that marketing strategies come and go would be the ultimate understatement. And on the flip slide, if there’s a single marketing channel that’s managing to stand the test of time in the face of so many tends, it’s email. That said, succeeding with email isn’t as easy as …
7 Ways to Tell if Your Instagram Marketing is Successful
Using Instagram to promote your business is the new marketing standard. But you may be struggling to figure out how you can measure the effectiveness of your company’s Instagram account. In this post, you will learn the top 7 tactics to measuring your Instagram advertising strategy’s success. Must Read – …
Need a Quick Credit Fix? Here’s What to Start
Are you in need of a quick credit fix for your subpar credit? It can be hard to build solid credit, especially if you are just starting out with your finances. Your credit can dip unexpectedly even after one missed or late bill payment. Good credit is also necessary for …